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Wealthy Countries Pushing Back on Financing for Climate Damages

Wealthy Countries Pushing Back on Financing for Climate Damages

At high risk countries at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference state that rich nations are pushing back on their efforts to compensate for the damages caused by climate change.

The more impoverished countries deemed it as important that money for loss and damage be included in the talks this week at the COP26.

Negotiations concurred in Paris ;last 2015 to tackle the matter although there had been no pledges on who should pay for the damages.

Rch nations are stated to be avoiding any  commitments as they do not want to take on responsibility and imperil themselves on being sued.

Emergent nations contend that rich countries are accountable for most of today’s climate change effect as the began discharging carbon much earlier than the rest of the world.

According to Alpha Oumar Kaloga,  one of the lead negotiators of the Africa Group,  loss and damage is still a taboo for developed countries.

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