The Second Avatar of Mother Divine is Brahmacharini.
The name derives from the word Brahma, which means something that has no shape, no closure, no shore nor any starting. It also means, ‘one who practices devout austerity’. Dressed in white with rudraksha mala in hand, and kamandal on the other, Maa Brahmacharini is blissful and spreads happiness,peace,prosperity and grace. Full of Bliss and happiness,she is the way to liberation or moksha. The ‘devout’ or ‘sanyasin‘ type of Goddess Durga is known for her extreme retribution(tapa) and her unconditional lover for Lord Shiva. ‘Brahma’ alludes to the tapa that Maa Brahmacharini performed for more than 1000 years without expending for accomplishing Shiva as her associate. She was discouraged by her family of marrying Shiva, but still she was persistent in her devotion by living the forest asn leading the lifestyle just like Shiva. Goddess Brahmacharini puja is an indication of picking up quality and intelligence, as she is the bank of information and knowledge. One accomplishes the security and energy in life rousing from her tapa and the solidarity to beat any kind of obstacles.
– Auspiciousflower:
– Color of the Day: White
– Mantra: ‘Om Devi Brahmacharini Namah