Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given a gift to Bangladesh on the second day of his visit. PM Modi said that the Indian government will open a primary school for girls in Orkandi. The middle schools here will also be upgraded. Modi first saw Kali Maa at Jashoreswari temple. He then reached Bangabandhu Memorial at Tungipara in Gopalganj district and paid tribute to Rashtrabandhu’s father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. After this, he reached the Orkandi temple of Matua community and offered obeisance there. While addressing the people of Matua community here, he said that thousands of people of Matua society living in India feel like coming to this temple here, today I also experienced the same. I had been waiting for this opportunity for many years. When I came to Bangladesh for the first time in 2015 after becoming the Prime Minister, I had expressed my desire to visit this temple, but I got that good fortune now. He gave many congratulations and best wishes on the completion of 50 years of Bangladesh’s independence.