On Thursday, the Supreme Court heard a petition seeking cancellation of the Class XII examination. Attorney General KK Venugopal on behalf of CBSE said that the result of class XII will be prepared on the basis of marks of 3 subjects having highest marks out of 5 subjects of class X and XI. Along with this, the marks obtained in unit, term and practical examinations for class 12th will also be made the basis.
The central government told the Supreme Court that the committee constituted by the CBSE is in favor of preparing the class XII results according to the 30:30:40 formula. That is, CBSE will take 30 per cent of class 10th final result + 30 per cent of class 11th final result + 40 per cent of class 12 pre-board result for class 12th board results.
The Center told the Supreme Court that the Class XII result will be declared by the CBSE by July 31. At the same time, the Supreme Court said that there should be a mechanism to address the grievances of the students regarding the marks obtained by them after the declaration of results. The attorney general said he would consult with the authorities.
The Attorney-General also said that the students who are not satisfied with the marks/grading can do better or improve their marks by appearing in the physical examinations, as the COVID situation gets better or as the situation normalises. or institutions.
In view of the second wave of Corona, the board examination was canceled. Hearing was held in the Supreme Court today on what basis the state boards including CBSE and ICSE will mark the 12th class students.
During the last hearing, the central government had told the Supreme Court that keeping in mind the corona infection, the 12th examination has been canceled. CBSE and ICSE had sought time from the Supreme Court to fix objective criteria for assigning numbers to students.