The Delhi High Court on Friday refused to stay the release of late Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s film ‘Nyay: The Justice’ in cinemas and OTT platforms, saying that the story of the “extraordinary” life of such a person has There is no “bad interest”. A vacation bench of Justices Anoop Jairam Bhambhani and Jasmeet Singh said there was nothing to show which would have “any harmful effect” on Rajput’s image as the films being made on his life were based on “what was earlier”. Only the public knows.”
Rajput’s father had challenged the single bench’s decision refusing to bar the release of the film ‘Nyay: The Justice’ or allowing anyone to use his son’s name or a similar name. The High Court said there was no written script or story that the filmmaker used and refused to pass any interim order on the appeal of Sushant’s father. The court said, “There is nothing which the producers have used or can do which is different from the information already available to the public. There is no bad interest in such a story of life because that person had an extraordinary life.”
The bench has sought response of the film’s director Dilip Gulati and producers Sarla Saraogi and Rahul Sharma and others. The court fixed July 14 for next hearing on the matter. The bench took note of the submission of senior advocate Chander Lal that the film was released on the website and a mobile app on June 11 as per the schedule. Senior advocate Harish Salve, appearing for Rajput’s father, argued that the producer and director of the film have misused the life story of the actor for commercial purposes. The actor allegedly committed suicide at his home in Mumbai last year.
Salve argued that the single judge misinterpreted the law passed by the Supreme Court in the Puttaswamy case (right to privacy) and gave wrong directions. At the beginning of the hearing, the counsel appearing for the director of the film told the court that the film has been released on the OTT platform named Lapalp Originals.
He said that the film is violating the right to privacy and the right to a fair trial every day and maligning the actor’s image. He said, “An attempt has been made to show his life in this film. What actually happened to them is still under investigation. You can’t say anything so soon.”
The high court had earlier asked whether ‘Nyay: The Justice’, which is reportedly based on Rajput’s life, be released on June 11 as the film’s director and the actor’s father had given contradictory statements on it. The single judge had on June 10 refused to stay the release of several films, including ‘Nyay: The Justice’, saying that these films neither serve as biopics nor show factually what happened in the actor’s life. .
Some upcoming or proposed films based on the actor’s life include ‘Suicide- Murder: A Star Was Lost’, ‘Shashank’ and an untitled film.