Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Monday that polling stations in Delhi will be converted into vaccination centres. Booth Level Officers (BLOs) will go door-to-door to book slots for vaccination of people above 45 years of age under the campaign ‘Jahan Vote, Vaccination’.
CM Kejriwal said that there are 57 lakh people above 45 years of age in Delhi, out of which 27 lakh have been given the first dose of anti-coronavirus vaccine while 30 lakh people are yet to be vaccinated.
He said, “We have seen that people of 45 years and above are not coming to the vaccination centers set up by the Delhi government and the vaccines are not being fully utilized.”
The Chief Minister said that there are about 280 wards in Delhi. From Tuesday, the BLOs will visit the houses of 72 wards and identify the people who are eligible for vaccination and send them to the polling stations for vaccination. He said that since the polling stations are close to people’s homes, they will not have to travel far to get vaccinated. Apart from this, the government has also arranged for e-rickshaws to bring people to the vaccination centre.
Kejriwal told that the BLOs will tell the time and date for getting vaccinated people above 45 years of age at the nearest polling stations. All eligible people will be covered in a five-day cycle. “This process will be done in all 280 wards in four weeks and after that the government may be able to say that all the eligible people (45 years and above) have been vaccinated,” he said.
The Chief Minister said that a similar campaign would be launched after three months for the second dose of the vaccine. “When we get enough vaccines for people in the age group of 18-44 years, we will start the same program for this age group as well,” he said.