Election dates have been announced in five states. These states are West Bengal, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Puducherry. Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora said that West Bengal will have the maximum elections in 8 phases. Elections will be held in 3 phases in Assam and Singhal phase in the remaining three states. Voting will begin in West Bengal and Assam. The voting for the first phase in these two states will take place on March 27. Votes will be counted on May 2 in five states.
Prior to the announcement of election dates, Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora said that people above 80 years of age, people with disabilities, people engaged in essential services, who will be identified by the local election officials, will be attached to the post badge. There will be corona vaccination of all election officials. Voting time will be 1 hour more. According to Arora, there are 824 assembly seats in 5 states. This time for them there are 18.68 crore Sheter and there will be 2.7 lakh polling stations.