The lockdown has been extended for a week in Haryana, making some changes in shopkeepers’ time. Now the lockdown will be here till the morning of June 7. Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said that the pandemic alert is being extended for a week, giving some relaxation to safe Haryana.
The time of opening shops in the state, which was earlier from 7 am to 12 pm, will now be done from 9 am to 3 pm. In this, the rule of odd-even will apply. Colleges, ITIs and schools will remain closed till June 15. Night curfew will be from 10 am to 5 am.
Haryana government announced financial assistance and other assistance for children who have lost their parents due to COVID-19. Chief Minister Khattar said, the state government will provide a monthly amount of Rs 2,500 per child as financial assistance to the families taking care of these orphans. This financial assistance will be given till the child is 18 years old. Apart from this, an amount of Rs 12,000 will be deposited annually in the bank accounts of such children as other expenses.
The chief minister also announced that the state government would provide financial assistance to the child care institute for their upbringing at the rate of Rs 1500 per orphan child per month. Currently, there are 59 child care institutions in Haryana. While all other expenses will be borne by child care institutions