Union Home Minister Amit Shah is on a tour of Tamil Nadu and Kerala for campaigning on Sunday. First he reached Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu. Here he worshiped at the Suchindram Temple. He then started a door-to-door campaign ‘Vijay Sankalp Mahasampark’ from Suchindram Town. After this, he also did a roadshow.
He said that we have started a door-to-door campaign. During this period, 11 houses were also visited here and appealed to all to win the NDA candidate Pon Radhakrishnan from Kanyakumari seat. He said, ‘I am confident that the AIADMK-BJP-PMK government is going to be formed in Tamil Nadu.’
After Amitchandram Town, Amit Shah participated in a road show. The Home Minister will attend the activist gathering at the Uduppi Hotel in Kanyakumari after the Road Shah Show. After this, Shah will leave for Kerala.