The Election Commission of India announced the schedule for the Lok Sabha polls on March 16. The elections will be held in 7 phases with voting to kick off on April 19 to June 1. The Counting of votes will be on June 4, the poll panel announced.
New Delhi, India: Chief Election Commissioner Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar on March 16 announced the schedule for the elections to the 18thLok Sabha and for the Assembly election to the four States of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim. The counting of votes will take place on June 4, Mr. Kumar said.
The Model Code of Conduct came into effect immediately on the announcement of the schedule, the Election Commission said.
The CEC said elections to 102 constituencies will take place in the first phase, 89 in second phase, 94 in third phase, 96 in fourth, 49 in fifth, 57 in sixth and 57 in seventh phase.