Naftali Bennett sworn in as Prime Minister of Israel. With this, the tenure of Benjamin Netanyahu, who had been in the post of Prime Minister for 12 years, ended. The 49-year-old leader of the right-wing Yamina Party was sworn in on Sunday after securing a majority in parliament. Earlier, in Israel’s 120-member parliament, the Knesset, 60 members voted in favor and 59 against. During this one member remained absent. The new government has 27 ministers out of which nine are women.
Parties of different ideologies have formed an alliance for the new government. Among them there is also a party representing the Arab community along with right-wing, left, centrist. Mickey Levy of Yes Etid Party was elected Speaker of Parliament. 67 members voted in his favor.
Earlier, Bennett announced the names of ministers in his government during an address to parliament and during this time supporters of 71-year-old Netanyahu also interrupted. Bennett said he was proud to be working with “people of differing views,” said Bennett, amid an uproar from rival party lawmakers.
Before Naftali, he was in government with Netanyahu. Bennett worked for Netanyahu as a senior aide between 2006 and 2008. Later their mutual relationship deteriorated and they left the Likud party. Bennett joined the right-wing national religious Jewish Home Party. After this, in 2013, Bennett reached Parliament as its representative. He supports the historical and religious claims of Jews on the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.
After Naftali became Prime Minister, it is believed that the troubles of the Palestinians will not be reduced. Right wing but will not use hatred or polarization as a tool to advance politically.
In an interview in 2013, Bennett rejected long-standing United Nations and Arab League proposals for a two-state solution as the only path to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. He said that the creation of a Palestinian state would be a “suicide” for Israel. He said in 2015 that even if the world puts pressure on us, we will not commit suicide voluntarily.