For the first time in the country, normal petrol has crossed Rs 100 in a city. People had to pay Rs 100 for a liter of petrol in Sriganganagar, Rajasthan since Wednesday. Oil companies increased the prices of petrol and diesel by 25-25 paise. This is the 9th consecutive day when oil prices have risen. Petrol has reached Rs 89.54 in Delhi and Rs 96 in Mumbai.
This month, petrol-diesel has become expensive for the 11th time in the last 14 days. During this time, petrol in Delhi became expensive by Rs 3.24 and diesel by Rs 3.47. Earlier in January, rates were increased 10 times. Petrol was expensive by Rs 2.59 and diesel by Rs 2.61. So far this year, petrol has become costlier by Rs 5.83 and diesel by Rs 6.18 per liter in 21 times