Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s first Toys Fair 2021. During this time, PM called upon toy manufacturers to focus on innovation and use plastic in manufacturing for eight days and instead increase the use of eco-friendly equipment. Modi said, “We have to become self-sufficient in the toy sector and also meet the needs of the global market”. He regretted India’s current position in the market, saying that India’s participation in the $ 100 billion global toy market is very low, and about 85 percent of the toys sold in the country are made with it. He said, “We need to promote handmade products in India.”
The Prime Minister interacted with traditional toy manufacturers in Chennapatnam, Varanasi and Jaipur and inspired them to make new toys keeping in mind the changes of children. He asked toy manufacturers to make environmentally friendly, attractive and attractive toys and use more reusable devices.
The Prime Minister said that the government has prepared a national toy action plan by involving 15 ministries to make the domestic toy industry competitive. He said that the objective of this initiative is to make India self-reliant in the toy sector and to increase the presence of domestic toys in the global market.