Two vaccines are being used against Coronavirus in India – covishield and covaxin. Here is a shortage of vaccines in many states. Meanwhile, a government panel has recommended increasing the gap between the two doses of covishield.
The government’s National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NTAGI) recommended increasing the difference between the two doses of the covishield vaccine to 12–16 weeks. Changes are not recommended for doses of covaxin.
The difference between the doses of Covishield is recommended when the serum institute, the maker of the vaccine, is struggling with vaccine production. According to the demand, production is not being done.
At the same time, pregnant women can be given the option of getting any Covid-19 vaccine. Breastfeeding women can get vaccinated at any time after giving birth. The government advisory committee said that those who have suffered from Covid-19 should not get vaccinated for six months after getting healthy.