Congress leader Rahul Gandhi once again strongly attacked the Modi government and accused of lethality about vaccination. They called it Movid.
The former Congress president himself told that he kept it Movid because if Modi had taken action, he would have been only Covid. But, the Prime Minister made room for Corona with his action. Rahul further said that he made a place for Corona by holding a plate and gathering in West Bengal. Modi helped Corona, so called Covid -Movid.
Rahul Gandhi said, this second wave is the responsibility of the Prime Minister, he has not fulfilled his responsibility, the second wave is the reason for it. If vaccination goes on in this way, then in May 2024, there will be vaccination of the entire people of India. “
The Congress leader added, “If the vaccination goes on at this rate, then there will be a third, fourth and fifth wave. The government should understand that the opposition is not their enemy, the opposition is showing them the way.”