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Rajasthan government declared black fungus an pandemic

Rajasthan government declared black fungus an pandemic

Black fungus has been declared an pandemic in Rajasthan. Announcing this, the Gehlot government said that black fungus is taking dangerous forms and it is spreading rapidly in many states, so it needs more attention. Black fungus is a fungal infection. But this is a serious infection, which is caused by a group of molds or fungi. It affects the sinuses or lungs.

Union Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan Singh has tweeted that redness or pain in the eyes, fever, cough, headache, shortness of breath, blurred vision, vomiting, bleeding or mental state are symptoms of black fungus. Can.

Patients recovering from corona or during infection are prone to black fungus. Due to this, patients are dying even. Dr. Randeep Guleria, director of AIIMS Delhi said, steroids are usually needed for only five to 10 days, if these medicines are given to the patient for more days, then the risk of black fungus increases significantly.

Apart from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Delhi and Karnataka, these cases are also increasing rapidly in some other states. At the same time, the Haryana government has declared black fungus as notifiable disease .

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