The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) is questioning Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan in connection with a high-profile party in Mumbai. The party was underway on the ‘Cordelia the Impress’ cruise. At the time when NCB raided, 600 people were involved in the party. NCB has detained 13 people including 3 girls. Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan was also present on the cruise where this rave party was going on.
Of the 13 people taken into custody, 8 people have been arrested. NCB has called the organizers of the rave party for questioning. He will have to appear before the NCB by 11 pm tonight.
NCB had received information that drugs were being served in the party. NCB officers boarded the cruise as a passenger. He hit the red while going to the rave party. According to the information so far, a huge quantity of drugs have been seized from the ship. Its price is being told in crores. The drugs recovered are MD coke and hashish.
Shahrukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan has denied taking any kind of drugs and during interrogation also told the officers that Abbu had warned that NCB men are all around at this time. Wherever you go, go carefully and stay safe. No decision has been taken on the arrest of Filal Aryan Khan, as the matter is being investigated and statements are being recorded.
In the cruise on which the drugs party was taking place, the entry fee was kept from 60 thousand rupees to 5 lakh rupees. Around 600 high profile people were present on the cruise during the NCB raid, while the capacity of this world class cruise is about 1800 people.