The judicial custody of Sushil Kumar, arrested in the murder case of Sagar Pehalwan in Delhi’s Chhatrasal Stadium, has increased again. After the judicial custody of accused wrestler Sushil Kumar ended on Friday, he was produced by the Tihar Jail Administration in Rohini Court. The court has extended the judicial custody of Sushil Kumar till June 25. Earlier, the Rohini court had rejected Sushil Kumar’s plea seeking special diet and food supplements for himself in jail. Along with this, the court had said that the necessary things are being provided in the jail. It is known that wrestler Sushil Kumar has made high for himself in Tihar Jail. Security cell and high protein food were demanded.
The decision on Sushil Kumar’s petition was reserved in Delhi’s Rohini Court. During the hearing, the lawyer of the accused wrestler had told the court that there is a threat to the life of accused Sushil Kumar in jail, so he cannot stay in jail like the rest of the accused.
The advocate appearing for the accused Sushil Kumar had demanded to keep him in the high security cell. On this, it was said in the court on behalf of Tihar Jail that in view of the security of Sushil Kumar, he has been kept separate from other prisoners. He has been kept in the High Security Cell. On this argument of Tihar Jail, the lawyer of accused Sushil Kumar was satisfied and said that he appreciates this work of Tihar Jail. At the same time, it was also demanded from the court on behalf of accused Sushil Kumar that he is a player of international level, so he should be given high protein food.
This demand of the lawyer of accused Sushil Kumar was strongly opposed by the Tihar Jail Administration. It was told by the jail administration that Sushil is a prisoner, not a guest that he should be provided high protein food. There are more prisoners in the jail who demand good food or high protein food. If Sushil is given high protein food then it will affect other prisoners. After this argument of Tihar Jail, Sushil Kumar’s lawyer had told the court that then accused Sushil should be allowed to eat home cooked food both the times. This was also opposed by Tihar Jail and said that we will tell about it after consulting the doctor.