Thailand’s Constitution Day

Constitution Day is celebrated on 10 December every year since 1932 to commemorate the adoption of constitutional monarchy in Thailand. This day is a national holiday, and if December 10th falls on a weekend, the holiday falls on a Monday the next day.

In the early 1930s, Thailand {then known as Siam} Thailand was going through an economic phase. The King of Thailand at the time was Rama VII, who was seen by many as lacking the necessary experience to deal with all the issues that existed in the country. In view of this, a group of intellectuals and senior military personnel formed the “People’s Party”. This led to the creation of a constitutional monarchy. This party gave the king the option of remaining in power, but reduced the power of the king. However since 1932, Thailand has had 18 constitutions or charters. Several reformed versions, on which the authority to enforce all other laws are based, have been adopted after military coups, including the current administration, which introduced its version on 6 April 2017.

Thai people celebrate this day with full enthusiasm. Parades and fireworks are held, and images of Thai kings are displayed throughout the country. All government schools and banks are closed. People thank him for giving the monarchy the right to run their country.

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