Ukraine is now in the center stage as war looms over the country of 44 million. Many governments around the world are preparing to respond should the war begin. This comes as Russian troops have gathered along the Ukraine border. There has been no report on the confirmed reason for the build-up.
Intelligence agencies report of the troop build-up however no one really confirmed the intentions of the Russian President. Recently published reports claim that Russia demands NATO not to allow Ukraine to join the treaty. No official statements were made to explain the demand.
NATO’s open-door policy allows any sovereign nation to join the alliance. Among the top enforcers of NATO is the USA which is now preparing troops. There are currently 40,000 multinational troops in Ukraine. Countries like the USA and the UK have also provided ammunition and defense equipment.
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and President Biden had a call last week and there are conflicting accounts. Zelensky wishes that media and governments around the world stop causing panic. He stated in an interview that Ukrainians are aware of the threat since the invasion of Crimea in 2014. They have learned to live with it.
The USA has also responded to the letter sent by Russia in the hope to initiate diplomatic solutions. As far as sources say, among the demands is not to allow Ukraine to join NATO which the USA declined to accept. Tensions continue to rise as both sides begin to build up their defenses among the borders.