Ukraine Situation
Ukraine situation “could go crazy quickly”. President Joe Biden addressed Americans living in Ukraine. He urged them to leave the country as things could go out of hand in the next few days.
“American citizens should leave now,” President Biden said. It’s not like we’re dealing with a terrorist organization. We’re dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. It’s a very different situation and things could go crazy quickly.” He is referring to Russia continuing to build up troops along the Ukrainian border. He also said that “there’s not” a situation where he will be sending US troops to rescue Americans in Ukraine. That’s a world war when Americans and Russia start shooting at one another.”
Biden also commented on President Vladimir Putin. He said if he [President Putin] is “foolish enough to go in, he’s smart enough not to … do anything that would negatively impact on American citizens.”
Troop Build Up
The White House approved for 2,000 US troops in Poland to help Americans exit if the Ukraine situation gets worse. The US forces from the 82nd Airborne Division are not authorized to enter Ukraine. They will only be situated in Poland to assist Americans to evacuate. Part of the plan is to build a processing area and shelters for Americans in transit.
The US State Department also issued a warning for those who are planning to travel to Ukraine. “Due to the increased threats of Russian military action,” Americans should not travel to Ukraine. Also, those in Ukraine must depart immediately. They announced that Americans should “be aware that the US government will not be able to evacuate US citizens in the event of Russian military action anywhere in Ukraine.”
Currently, the US government estimates that there are 100,000 Russian troops near the border. Thousand of them were just added this week.