A wandering walrus named “Wally” who was previously seen in Ireland, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom had now reached the territories of Iceland as the sea animal was located there, as revealed by marine experts.
The huge Arctic walrus “Wally” who weighs 800 kilogram, had not been spotted during the last three weeks as spotters mention they were “starting to lose hope” of even seeing the walrus at all once more.
Although, on Sunday, September 19, 2021, Seal Rescue Ireland had announced that the walrus had been sighted in Iceland following the 22 days without seeing the sea creature.
It was believed that the wandering walrus had journeyed 2,485 miles prior to its arrival in Cork, Ireland, which is also before the new sighting in Iceland as the walrus had swum beyond 560 miles from his last known location in Cork.
According to the Seal Rescue Ireland, Wally was recognized when they conversed and compared the photos of the creature from the photos provided by their associates at “British Divers Marine Life Rescue” in which the walrus was established to be Wally as they saw the scars on the front of both of the sea creature’s front flippers.
Wally is estimated to be approximately four years old and had initially been noticed in Ireland when he was sighted in County Kerry, Ireland, last March this year, and in the west part of Europe- including Spain, Tenby in Wales, and Cornwall of England as well as within the Isles of Scilly in Cornwall.
Moreover, the Seal Rescue Ireland had stated that it was thrilled at the spotting of Wally as they had previously lost hope of ever seeing the young, wandering walrus ever again.