WhatsApp is set to launch many great features for users. These features can make the chat experience attractive. Currently, these features are being tested and they can be made available to users in the coming few weeks.
Soon WhatsApp users will get the best color change feature of the app. Through this, they will also be able to change the color of the chat box and the text. This will improve their chat experience. This feature is in testing mode and can be launched soon. Apart from this, WhatsApp also keeps updating emoji and stickers from time to time.
WhatsApp is preparing to launch another great feature, using which users will be able to use sticker during chat. In simple language, when users write a sentence for chat, then WhatsApp will give the sticker’s decoration according to the same. If you want, you can make the chat quite attractive by sending stickers instead of words.
WhatsApp is also working with many other features, which will prove to be very helpful for users. WhatsApp will soon launch such a feature, through which users will be able to log out of their account. Also, you will be able to use WhatsApp across multiple devices at once.