Sushil Kumar, accused of killing wrestler Sagar Dhankhar, has been shifted to Tihar Jail. On Friday, Sushil Kumar was shifted from Mandoli Jail to Tihar Jail. During the shifting, Delhi Policemen took selfie with Sushil Kumar. Surrounded by serious charges of murder, Sushil Kumar is seen smiling during the photo session. After the photo surfaced, now many questions have also started arising.
Earlier, on behalf of Sushil Kumar, the jail administration was told that his life was under threat from the Lawrence Bishnoi-Kala Jathedi gang. After which this step was taken by the administration.
Sushil Kumar was arrested on May 23 in connection with the murder of wrestler Sagar. After which he was on police remand till June 2. After the remand was over, he was sent to Mandoli jail.
Sushil Kumar was kept in a quarantine for 14 days inside a separate cell in Mandoli jail in view of the possible danger of corona.
Sushil is accused of being involved in the murder of a former international wrestler at the Chhatrasal Stadium. The court in Delhi’s Rohini had also refused to grant him anticipatory bail. Sushil was absconding for a long time. He was not known since May 4 after he was made an accused in the murder of wrestler Sagar Dhankhar and to get feedback and information about the same, the Delhi Police had announced a cash prize of one lakh rupees. After this Sushil had applied for bail. On May 15, the court had issued a non-bailable warrant against Sushil Kumar. Delhi Police had issued a look out notice for Sushil Kumar.
A video of Sushil Kumar had surfaced regarding the incident. In this video, he along with friends is seen beating Sagar with a hockey stick.
Regarding this video, the police had told that Sushil Kumar himself had shot it from his friend’s mobile on the day of the incident. Sushil shot this video to keep his fear in the wrestling circuit.