Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal demanded that all doctors and nurses of India fighting against the coronavirus pandemic should get the Bharat Ratna this year. CM Kejriwal has written a letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Chief Minister said that the whole country would be happy with this. He said that those who serve the people without worrying about their lives and families will get this honor. This will be a true tribute to the ‘martyr’ doctors. Let us tell you that Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian honor of India.
CM Kejriwal tweeted, “This year the “Indian doctor” should get the Bharat Ratna. “Indian Doctor” means all doctors, nurses and paramedics. This will be a true tribute to the martyred doctors. This will be the honor of those who serve without worrying about their life and family. The whole country will be happy with this.”
While appealing, Kejriwal has further written that if the rules do not allow Bharat Ratna to any group, then I request you to change the rules. Today the whole country is grateful to its doctors. Every Indian will be happy to honor him with Bharat Ratna.
Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia said that the doctors, nurses and paramedical staff of the country have saved the lives of people by playing on their lives, they should definitely get respect.
According to data provided by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) in mid-June, a total of 730 doctors have lost their lives during the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Bihar has the highest number of deaths of 115 doctors due to Covid-19 while 109 in Delhi, 79 in Uttar Pradesh, 62 in West Bengal, 43 in Rajasthan, 39 in Jharkhand and 38 doctors in Andhra Pradesh have lost their lives due to the covid-19 pandemic. According to the IM, 748 doctors died during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.
According to the IM, 748 doctors had died during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.