Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal held a press conference on Saturday on Corona’s affairs in the capital Delhi. He told that Delhi is seeing a decline in new cases of corona infection, but this does not mean that we should stop taking precautions.
He said that vaccination of children older than 18 years has been stopped in Delhi. The dose of vaccine sent by the central government is over. Due to this many vaccine centers have been closed.
There are some doses left which will be finished by this evening. All youth vaccination centers will be closed from tomorrow. We have asked for more vaccine doses from the Center. As soon as we get these doses, the vaccination of youth will be started again in Delhi.
He said that Delhi needs 8 million vaccines every month. In comparison, we received only 1.6 million vaccines in May. The Center has reduced this quota to eight lakhs for June. Till date we have installed 5 million vaccines in Delhi. And for all the youth of Delhi, we need 25 million vaccines.