Prime Minister Narendra Modi met on Saturday to review the steps taken to increase the availability of oxygen in the country. He emphasized that besides increasing the supply of medical grade oxygen, there is an urgent need to provide necessary equipment for the care of patients at home and hospitals.
He emphasized to work in coordination with all Ministries and Departments for the availability of oxygen and medical supplies. It was also decided that basic customs duty and health cess will not be levied on import of oxygen related equipment for 3 months.
PM Modi instructed the revenue department to give custom clearance on the import of such equipment at the earliest. It was also decided that the basic custom duty on import of Corona vaccines be abolished for 3 months.
Here, the central government has decided to bring 10 thousand oxygen concentrators (portable oxygen machines) from America. Its import will start from next week. After increasing demand for liquid oxygen day by day, the government has tied up with many private companies. Air oxygen flights will take these oxygen contractors from San Francisco and Chicago.