The National President of the Indian Medical Association, Dr. J.A. Jayalal said on Friday that if yoga guru Ramdev withdraws his statement against corona vaccination and allopathy, the organization will consider withdrawing the police complaints lodged against him and the defamation notice sent to him.
Jayalal said that Ramdev actually raised questions on the government by targeting the modern medical system regarding the pandemic and its treatment. He said, ‘We have nothing against Ramdev. His statements are against vaccination for Covid-19. We feel that his statements may confuse people.
A few days ago the IMA sent a notice of defamation to Ramdev for making allegedly derogatory statements against modern medical practice and doctors. In the notice, he was asked to apologize within 15 days and if he did not do so, he would be asked to take action against the compensation of Rs 1,000 crore. Complaints have been lodged against Ramdev in Delhi and elsewhere.