In the commentary on social media, Actress Kangana Ranaut has reached the Supreme Court Social Media In case of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and his sister Rangoli Chandel Supreme Court has reached. For the comment on social media, the petition has been filed in the Supreme Court regarding the demand for transferring the three criminal issues in Mumbai. It has been said in the petition that if the trial runs in Mumbai then they are at risk of life due to the personal vengeance of Shiv Sena leaders. First case lawyer Ali Kashif Khan was registered by Deshmukh. In which there is a charge that the tweet of the Runaut has caused a harm to the harmony between Hindu and Muslims. The second case was accused by the songwriter Javed Akhtar, that after the death of Actor Sushant Singh Rajput, Ranaut commented against him in Republic TV. The third case casting director Munawwar Ali is a case of treason filed by Sayed, which has alleged that Ranaut and his sister Rangoli Chandel tried to divide communal through social media.