Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut not only does films but is also very active on social media. She often gives her views on some socio-political and film issue, which starts being discussed and many times her views turn into controversy. Recently, Kangana Ranaut has spoken of changing the name of the country. Kangana has expressed her desire that the name of India should be changed to Bharat. The name India was kept by the British and it is the identity of slavery.
Kangana Ranaut has posted two stories on Instagram in which she has told the difference between India and India. Describing the definition of India, Kangana wrote that, ‘It is a Sanskrit word. Bha means Bhava, Ra means Raga and Ta means Taal. Along with this, he also gave his views about India. He wrote, ‘India can move forward only if it believes in its ancient civilization and culture and moves forward on its path. Along with this, Kangana appealed to everyone to join Geeta, Vedas and Yoga.
Kangana Ranaut says, ‘British people named India when we were their slaves. This name is also a symbol of the same slavery. Every name has a meaning and the British knew this, so they gave names not only to the place but also to the people and historical buildings. In such a situation, this name should be changed and it should remain only in India. Now is the time to get that respect back. When we connect with our civilization and culture, then only India will develop.
Even on the occasion of Yoga Day, Kangana Ranaut had told its specialty on Instagram and also said that her parents got a lot of relief from yoga. He shared pictures on Instagram in which his parents were seen doing yoga. In this post, he wrote, ‘Everyone knows when and how I started doing yoga but no one would know how I got my whole family used to it. Now my entire family regularly observes this boon and blessings called Yoga.
Kangana further wrote, ‘Some protested, some took time, a few years ago my mother’s body had problems like diabetes, thyroid and high cholesterol. The doctor said that we will have to do an open heart surgery to get rid of it. I was broke that day. I went to my mother crying and said give me two months of your life. I cannot allow this surgery to happen. My mother trusted me and healed herself with yoga. Today everyone in my family is healthy.
On the work front, Kangana’s film ‘Thalaivi’ is ready for release. It was supposed to release in the month of April itself, but due to the lockdown caused by Corona, the film could not be released in theaters. In this film, Kangana will be seen in the role of late Jayalalithaa, former CM of Tamil Nadu. Apart from this film, she will also be seen in ‘Tejas’ and ‘Dhaakad’.