In West Bengal, Mamta Banerjee has sworn in as the Chief Minister for the third consecutive term. State Governor Jagdeep Dhankar administered him the oath of office on Wednesday. Mamata Banerjee’s party Trinamool Congress has defeated the Bharatiya Janata Party, which is busy in this high-stakes election, with a huge margin. After the complete counting of votes, 213 seats in Trinamool’s share and 77 seats in BJP’s share. The Left and others have got 1-1 seats.
The swearing-in ceremony was attended by Governor Dhankar, TMC leader and his nephew Abhishek Banerjee and party’s political strategist Prashant Kishore.
In Bengal, now Mamata Banerjee has a big challenge to deal with the corona epidemic. CM said that she is going to call a meeting to review the situation of Kovid. He made it his first priority.