Aam Aadmi Party’s convener and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has started preparations for the upcoming assembly elections in Punjab. Kejriwal, who went to Punjab on a one-day tour, today announced that the CM candidate of the state from his party would be from the Sikh community. He said that this is the right of the Sikh society.
Arvind Kejriwal said, “The CM face of the Aam Aadmi Party in Punjab will be from the Sikh community. Because we feel that Punjab is the only state in the whole world whose CM is from Sikh society. We believe that this is the right of the Sikh society.
Targeting the ruling Congress, he said that Congress leaders are fighting among themselves for the chair. Today Punjab is passing through a very bad phase. People are suffering from Corona, thinking that the government will help us. At that time they are fighting. Targeting the Akali Dal, he said that there are serious allegations of corruption against them.
On this occasion, Arvind Kejriwal said that who will be the face as the candidate will be decided later, but whatever it is, Punjab will be proud of that person. In order to strengthen AAP in Punjab, CM Kejriwal today got former IPS officer Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh inducted into the Aam Aadmi Party in Amritsar. During this, AAP MP Bhagwant Mann was also present.
Regarding Kunwar Vijay Pratap joining AAP, Arvind Kejriwal said, “Kunwar Vijay Pratap is not a leader. He was called ‘aam aadmi ka cop’. We are all here to serve the country. With this spirit He has joined the party today.”
There are assembly elections in Punjab next year and in the 2017 assembly elections, AAP emerged as the main opposition party. In order to increase the base of his party, Kejriwal’s main focus is on Punjab. In the last election, AAP was fighting for the first time and won 20 seats in its name.