The Supreme Court on Thursday closed the sexual abuse case against former Chief Justice of the country Ranjan Gogoi. The Supreme Court had initiated an inquiry taking automatic cognizance against the charge of sexual exploitation against Ranjan Gogoi, which was called off on Thursday as a conspiracy against the judiciary. A bench headed by Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul said that almost two years have passed and there is little possibility of obtaining electronic records for investigation.
Closing the investigation process initiated by automatic cognizance, the Supreme Court said that an internal inquiry into the alleged sexual harassment case against Justice Gogoi had already been completed and a three-member panel headed by Justice SA Bobde (current Chief Justice) Had declared him as defect free. The bench also consisted of Justice AS Bopanna and Justice V Ramasubramanian.
The bench said that Justice (Retd) AK Patnaik panel could not get electronic records like WhatsApp messages to investigate the conspiracy hence no purpose would be served from the case initiated by self-cognition.