To further slow down the pace of corona infection in Madhya Pradesh, the number of people participating in wedding ceremonies has been fixed once again, but whoever takes part in these ceremonies will have to undergo a corona test. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan, while addressing the members of the Crisis Management Committee of the districts, said that now 20-20 persons of the bride and groom will be able to participate in the marriage. Corona test will be mandatory for all the persons participating. Based on the suggestions received from the Crisis Management Committees, a new guide line will be issued by June 15.
Chief Minister Chauhan said that MLAs will now be able to use up to 50 percent of the MLA fund to help the needy. Keeping in view the effect of corona, the state government is making such arrangements, he said that the crisis of corona infection is not over yet. A third wave is expected. Caution and caution are required. Political, social activities, processions, crowded activities will be prohibited. There will also be a ban on school-college, sports, events in the stadium etc.
Chauhan said that the infection is under control in the state. Due to the responsibility, diligence and cooperation handled by the Crisis Management Committees at the village, ward, city and district levels, the control of Corona has been achieved. Now the situation is pleasant. Today only 274 cases have come. There is not a single case in twenty districts. Cases are in two digits only in Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur. The positivity rate has come down to 0.3 percent.
During the last 24 hours, 274 new cases of corona virus infection have been reported in Madhya Pradesh and with this the total number of people found infected with this virus in the state so far reached 7,88,183. In the same time, 18 more people died, after which the total number of deaths has gone up to 8,552. Less than 300 new cases of infection were reported in the state after more than three and a half months. On February 23, 248 new cases were reported in the state, whereas from February 24 to June 12, more than 300 new cases were reported.