Day third of the Chaitra Navratri Puja, marks the worship of Chandraghanta Devi.

With brilliant composition, Maa Chandraghanta looks radiant in golden complexion and ides on a tiger. She has ten arms and three eyes. The name Chandraghanta implies, the one with a moon on her temple. Appealing to her conjures parcel of endowments, she is a goddess of spirituality and internal quality. It is accepted that individuals who experience lot of problems or large number of issues in their life, must worship the Goddess Chandraghanta.
Chandraghanta is the married Avatar of Durga. She took extreme reparation to get the consent of Lord Shiva as her associate. Seeing the extensive tapasaya of Parvati, Lord Shiva agrees to marry her. But while attending the marriage, Lord Shiva adopted a very horrifying form (ashes over body, unkept hair, snake around the neck, and followed by demons, ghosts, and all monsters’ beings.) Hence, Parvati too adopted the form of Chandraghanta. Though she requested later Lord Shiva to take the form of handsome prince, which he obeyed to.
She is seen conveying ten weapons in her arms and remains prepared for war with devils and fiendishness powers. The merciful Goddess can go to the assistance of her aficionados whenever and expel their sufferings in a second. The sound of her moon chime pulverized a ton of evil spirits in transit making the way for the lovers to lead an upbeat and tranquil life.
Represented by plant Shukra, Maa Chandraghanta blesses all to be flourishing, healthy and wealthy.
Auspicious flower: Lotus
Color of the Day: Red
Mantra: ‘Om Devi Chandraghantayani Namah’