The first corona variant found in India has been named ‘Delta Variant’ by the World Health Organization (WHO). On May 12, this variant was identified with B.1.617. The National Center for Disease Control and Insacog says that this delta variant transmits 40-50 percent faster than the alpha variant (B.1.117).
The scientist told Economic Times, “Our assessment so far has found that the delta variant is at least 40-50 percent faster in terms of transmission than the alpha. This is due to the rapid increase in the Covid cases in India in the second wave. The reason is.
scientist said, “The estimates so far do not indicate that the delta variant is the cause of more deaths. It spreads rapidly, so the number of infected is high. Late hospitalization, non-hospitalization or Lack of oxygen availability can also be a reason for more spread of infection.
The World Health Organization (WHO) first named the forms of corona virus B.1.617.1 and B.1.617.2 found in India as ‘Kappa’ and ‘Delta’ respectively. The World Health Organization has renamed the forms of the corona virus for their easy identification. There will be no change in their scientific names. However, its purpose is to easily identify them during the general debate.