The CBI has registered an FIR against former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on the charge of recovery of hundred crore rupees. The Central Investigation Agency has also raided 12 locations in Maharashtra including Mumbai, Nagpur late at night. Given the increasing risk of infection, the CBI team is carrying out the raid wearing a PPE kit. A team is still raiding his Mumbai-based government bungalow. According to the information, Anil Deshmukh is currently in Nagpur and there is a team questioning him. The CBI had earlier interrogated the former home minister for 11 hours.
On 25 March, former Mumbai Police Commissioner Parambir Singh filed a petition in the Bombay High Court seeking a CBI inquiry against Deshmukh. Parambir Singh had claimed that Deshmukh had asked other officers, including suspended police officer Sachin Vazh, to recover Rs 100 crore from bars and restaurants.