Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat has resigned after a political uproar in Uttarakhand since last 3 days. He reached the Raj Bhavan and submitted his resignation to Governor Baby Rani Maurya. The Governor has accepted his resignation and asked him to continue in office till the appointment of the new CM. The name of the state’s higher education minister Dhan Singh Rawat is discussed as the next chief minister. He has been called to Dehradun by a government helicopter. Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 10 am, the election of the new leader will be held in the party legislature party meeting. In the press conference, Rawat said, ‘I have been working in politics for a long time. BJP gave me this golden opportunity of life. I was born in a small village, Dad was an ex-soldier. I never imagined that the party would give me such a huge honor. This was possible only in the BJP. However, Trivendra’s pain also came to light when he was removed from the post of CM. When he was asked the reason for his sudden resignation, he said, “You have to go to Delhi to know the reason for this.”