Investment in the market is subject to risks, it is a well known phrase. Keeping this in mind, Mr. Jawahar Kotwani has written the tracing book. Mr. Jawahar Kotwani has been doing a successful business for the last three decades. His business has made his mark all over the world. Mr. Kotwani started his career as a builder and gradually expanded his business into stock market, import-esports, minerals and pharmacy, gradually gaining mastery. He is also interested in Bollywood films and will bring his project to the screen by the end of this year. Mr. Kotwani is also a founder and director of many companies. His major companies are IDAR AIAC America, Sadbhav Mineral Private Limited, Sadbhav Group Limited London UK, Takei Trading by Sadbhav Group.His interest in the field of stock market increased and using technology and experience, he raised an empire from two dollars to million dollars. His passion in the stock market is worth seeing, and he has brought his same experiences among the people through the book of trading.In the book, he attracts attention towards digital business. Because this AI braced platform whose development has been going on continuously for the last several years, they are also moving forward on new startups through this technology.The book titled ‘Trading Shastra’ is available on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.
Jawahar Kotwani authors ‘Trading Shastra’