The Yogi government has extended the lockdown till Monday in view of the grave situation caused by Corona in Tantra Pradesh. So far, the bandh was announced till seven o’clock on Thursday morning, but the lockdown has been extended keeping in view the situation. These orders were given by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in a meeting with Team-9.
Let us tell you that on April 29, the Yogi government had decided to lockdown the state in the evening from eight o’clock on Friday to seven o’clock in the morning on Tuesday and then extend it for two more days on May 3 to seven o’clock on Thursday (May 6). gave. After this, today means on Wednesday, its duration has been extended till seven in the morning on Monday.
Along with this, the State Government has given strict action against those who do not wear masks. Those exiting without a mask will be fined one thousand rupees for the first time. For the second time, you will have to pay 10 times more fine. The State Government directed to strictly follow the Corona Protocol.