Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee started a road show on the wheel chair on Sunday afternoon. The roadshow began at Gandhi Statue on Mayo Road in South Kolkata. This road show will run till Hazra. She will address the rally in Hazra after a road show of about 5 km. She will reach the wheel chair on Mamta Manch. Before the road show, Mamta wrote on social media that we will continue our fight, we will fight fearlessly. Even now I am in a lot of pain, but I feel more pain from people. We have suffered a lot in this battle of our land. We will have to face much more trouble, but we will still fight. We will never bow down to timid people. Mamta Banerjee was injured in Nandigram on Wednesday evening. He has a leg injury. Mamta was discharged from the hospital on Friday. This is his first electoral show since being sidelined with an injury. Meanwhile, TMC has again deferred the announcement of its election manifesto. The next date will be announced soon.