Mumbai Police Inspector Sunil Mane was arrested on Friday by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in an explosive-laden Scorpio case 300 meters from Antilia, Mukesh Ambani’s home. Mane is believed to be an associate of the arrested and suspended Assistant Inspector of Police, Sachin Vazh, in the same case. The NIA will seek custody after presenting Mane in court later this afternoon. Now mane can also be suspended in 1-2 days.
The Maharashtra ATS team has also questioned Mane twice. Sunil Mane was posted at Kandivali Crime Branch. Vimala, wife of Scorpio owner Mansukh Hiren, had told Maharashtra ATS that when Mansukh Hiren came out of the house at 8 pm on March 4, he told that he had to come to Tawde, an inspector of Kandivali Crime Branch. It is now believed that the Tawde named by Vimala was considered Sunil.
Mane is the third police officer arrested in the Antilia case. Earlier, Assistant Police Inspector Riyazuddin Qazi was arrested. Qazi is also accused of supporting Sachin Vaz in the explosive case. The judicial custody of Qazi is also ending today. According to sources, Sunil Mane has been arrested on the basis of Qazi’s statement.