Corona epidemic in the country has taken a macabre form. In the last 24 hours, 1 lakh 99 thousand 376 new patients have been found. 93,418 recovered and 1,037 died.
The new case figure has more than doubled from the first peak on September 16 last year. At that time, the maximum number of cases was 97,860 in one day. With this, the number of active cases, ie, patients undergoing treatment, has increased to 14 lakh 65 thousand 877. It can cross 15 lakhs, because it has been increasing by more than one lakh since last two days.
Things are getting worse in Uttar Pradesh. On Wednesday, all records of new Corona patients were broken in the state. For the first time, more than 20 thousand new cases have been found in 24 hours. Now Maharashtra was the only state where more than 20 thousand patients were getting daily.