In Maharashtra, at around 12 o’clock on Saturday night, there was a political ruckus on the Remedesivir injection used in the treatment of Corona patients. The police had received information about the black marketing of Remadecivir. In this investigation, police took custody of Bruck Pharma’s director Rajesh Dokania after his name surfaced. Former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis was enraged by this.
So Fadnavis and Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council, Praveen Darekar, along with some of his supporters, reached the Vile Parle police station at night. From here he came to know that Dokania had been taken to the office of DCP Manjunath Shinge of Zone 8 located in BKC for questioning. The two leaders reached there and argued fiercely with the police officers. According to sources, the police have also seized Remedesvir worth 4.75 crore in this case, but it has not been confirmed yet. Social activist Saket Gokhale has written this thing on social media.
Fadnavis said that Bruck Pharma has taken all the permission from the Maharashtra government and the Daman Administration. Apart from this, the Union Minister has also asked Bruck Pharma to supply maximum amount of Remedisvir to Maharashtra. Despite this, the Maharashtra government is doing such dirty politics which is shameful.