RJD supremo Lalu Yadav, who is serving a sentence in the fodder scam, has got bail from the Jharkhand High Court. He will have to pay a bond of one lakh rupees and a fine of 10 lakh rupees. They will be released in a day or two after filling the bell bond. Lalu got bail after three and a quarter years. Lalu was jailed on 23 December 2017 in a case related to the fodder scam.
During bail, Lalu will not go out of the country without seeking permission from the court. They will not change their mobile number and also their address.
Let us know that this conditional bail has been given to Lalu after the completion of half the sentence in Dumka Treasury case. Earlier, Lalu Yadav was granted bail in the Chaibasa Treasury case in October 2020, but was not released due to the Dumka Treasury case. At the same time, the case of withdrawal from Doranda Treasury has not been completed yet. There was a debate in this case, but due to Kovid, the hearing has been banned in the CBI court.