Custody of Mumbai Police’s suspended API Sachin Vazh arrested in the Antilia case has been extended till 7 April. The special court has directed the NIA to provide all kinds of medical facilities to them. Vazha’s custody period was coming to an end today. In view of this, the team of NIA reached the special court regarding Vajj. NIA also gave me a medical examination before bringing her to court The special court of the NIA directed the investigating agency to present a detailed report on his health and his ailments during his next appearance on 7 April. Earlier, Sachin Vazh’s lawyer Raunak Naik wrote an application to the court. In it, he said that he has two blockages of 90% in the heart along with chest pain. In such a condition, he should be introduced to his cardiologist so that his medical treatment can begin. NIA has made a new disclosure regarding Sachin Vazh. According to sources, Sachin Vaz was allegedly running a ransom racket from a room in a 5-star hotel at Nariman Point in Mumbai. This room was booked by a businessman of Zaveri Bazaar for 100 days, for which 12 lakhs had been paid.