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Scientists found new mutants of Corona

Scientists found new mutants of Corona

New Mutant, 10 times deadlier than current strains of Coronavirus, found

The situation has already become uncontrollable due to different mutants of corona virus spread across the country. Meanwhile another dangerous mutant of the corona virus has been discovered, making the situation quite worrisome. Scientists say that the new mutant ‘N440K’ of the corona virus is 10 times more infectious than the rest of the strain.

Researchers believe that the ‘N440K’ is 10 to 1,000 times more infectious than all other strains that are currently spreading the infection, causing the second wave to reach its peak in some parts of the country.

The mutant ‘N440K’ was first found in the city of Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh. Now this mutant is spreading rapidly in many parts of the country including Andhra and Telangana. Researchers claim that out of all the new cases in Andhra and Telangana during the second wave, one third of the cases have been due to this variant and it is continuously spreading.

The research has been conducted by scientists at the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) in Hyderabad and the Academy for Scientific and Innovation Research (ACSIR) in Ghaziabad.

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