Navratri is customarily celebrated during year end that is, autumn or lunar month of Ashwin during Sharad Ritu(September-October),when everything in the nature starts experiencing change. The nine- day celebration which starts today 29th september 2019, is committed to goddess Durga and all her nine symbols.These nine evenings, praising the Devi, are said to be valuable as there are inconspicuous energies in the creation that are enhanced during this time. These energies upgrade the experience of going inwards, supplicating, reciting and other spiritual practices.
According to the Indian convention and culture, the festival incorporate a progresion of yagnas and homas to remove the negative energies in nature, bringing prosperity and harmony. These practices also ingrain love for Mother Nature as they make our mind and soul pure.
Day 1 Shailaputri
The principal name of goddess Durga is Shailaputri which means pinnacle. In Sanskrit, Shail implies the mountain and ‘putri’ signifies little girl. She was the daughter of Lord Himalaya and therefore was named as Shailputri , meaning daughter of the mountains.
Goddess Shailputri is none other than the Mother Nature, seated on Nandi(bull) with a half moon on her forehead along with trident and lotus flower on each hands. Also known as Bhawani, Hemawati and Goddess Parvati, the wife of Lord Shiva and mother of Lord Ganesha and Kartikeya.
– Auspiciousflower: Hibiscus
– Color of the Day: Yellow/ Orange
– Mantra: ‘Om Devi Shailaputryai Namah’