Congress leader Shashi Tharoor has apologized for commenting on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement regarding Satyagraha for Bangladesh’s independence. Admitting his mistake, he said that I had reacted by reading the headline and tweet in a hurry. Everyone knows who liberated Bangladesh. Which meant that Narendra Modi did not mention Indira Gandhi’s contribution, but he did mention it. Sorry. Tharoor had commented on the statement of Modi’s speech in which PM Modi talked about Satyagraha for the freedom of Bangladesh and going to jail. The Prime Minister was speaking at the main function held in Dhaka on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh’s Independence Day on Friday and the birth centenary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Commenting on this part of Prime Minister Modi’s speech, Tharoor said on social media that international knowledge: Our Prime Minister is tasting Indian fake news to Bangladesh. Everyone knows who liberated Bangladesh. Tharoor’s reference was to former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.