The Trinamool Congress has reached the Election Commission regarding Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Bangladesh. TMC lodged a complaint after Modi visited the Matua community’s temple in Orakandi. TMC says that PM Modi has violated the code of conduct and strict action should be taken against him.
According to the Trinamool Congress, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took with him from West Bengal MP Shantanu Thakur, who does not hold any government post, and the sole purpose of visiting temples in Bangladesh was to influence the voter.
He was invited to mark the completion of 50 years of Bangladesh’s independence. We have no objection to his going to this program, which was on 26 March. But they had nothing to do with the events held on the next day i.e. 27 March. What PM Narendra Modi did the next day is a violation of democratic values and code of conduct.